Human Healing Manual
SCIENCE ** for back to and keeping

In brief
Basic of your optimal healing
Tables of food ingredients
How to calculate optimal proportion
Offline and online resources
Optimal measure of value

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Optimal Nutrition – Human Healing Manual is a human instruction manual, the only one based on exact knowledge and the only one compliant with the fundamental laws of the exact sciences **. All others are based on faith or belief.
There can only be ONE! instruction manual for yellow, black, red, white, mixed people.
ONE! for all people.
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Optimal Nutrition according to Dr. Jan Kwaśniewski **, is high-fat, low-carbohydrate nutrition.
The key to understanding Optimal Nutrition is the proportion between proteins (P), fats (F) and carbohydrates (C) in eating food.
P : F : C
1 : 2.5÷3.5 : 0.5
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Optimal Nutrition heals causally obesity the fastest. The average weight loss is over 6 kilograms per month without any food quantity restrictions, without feeling hungry or thirsty.
Optimal Nutrition heals causally and “Cures” neurasthenia, coronary artery disease, Buerger’s disease, chronic rheumatism, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, osteoporosis, asthma and other allergic diseases, peptic ulcer, hyperacidity, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, dissolving stones in the gallbladder or in the urinary tract, it heals causally atherosclerosis, hypertension, protects against heart attacks and strokes, prevents cancer or leukemia. If there is time, it heals causally also neoplasms, even inoperable ones.
The optimal skin can be recognized immediately: it is healthy and beautiful.
The fastest Optimal Nutrition removes diseases and ailments from the digestive tract – hyperacidity disappears after 1-2 days; peptic ulcer disease disappears after a few days, as well as liver, pancreatic and intestinal problems.
Find out now how to avoid majority of diseases : I'm buying for only 55 USD * |
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* What do you get?
The knowledge about Optimal Nutrition is in electronic format. After order and payment you can download it from your Optimal Nutrition account (log in).
- The Optimal Nutrition – Human Healing Manual in electronic format (personalized PDF).
- Tables with nutrition ingredients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
- How to note and calculate proportion between food ingredients. You should learn this and keep this to get results for optimal healing.
- Spreadsheet for notes of everyday food eating and checking proportion of food ingredients.
- Literature.
- Independent online resources (+offline).
- The concept of measure of value based on the main Optimal Nutrition product: egg yolk of healthy backyard chicken.
- Addons in future.
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The process of accessing this knowledge
- Click
- Put your details and confirm e-mail address.
- Create account (password) for Optimal Nutrition – Human Healing Manual.
- Pay 55 USD (bank transfer, Revolut, USDT, PayPal, … ).
- Get instant access to the knowledge.
NOTE: In presale you will get Manual (personalized PDF) by e-mail.
Your body is the best HEALER! Feed it Optimally! 
Homo Optimus
Jacek ′Hodża′ Paciorek
** In 1968 Dr. Jan Kwaśniewski (1937 – 2019) published the results of his own research on human nutrition. This research is the basis of the knowledge presented here. Huge thanks to him for the courage and effort he put into research and propagation of the discovered knowledge. We (Optimal People) continue and develop his work for the benefit of others. More about Dr. Jan Kwaśniewski in Manual.

Knowledge about Optimal Healing methods is provided as
information. If used, you use it at your own risk. Similarly, you are responsible for not applying the knowledge about Optimal
Healing … to yourself. Remember to consult with person you
trust, such as a (optimal)
doctor …